Join the Team

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Why Affiliate /Licensee?

The AKMF has established itself as an organization of excellence. Our instructors and staff are comprised of life long Martial Artists, Military and Law Enforcement Officers. We ruthlessly test all our techniques, not just in the classroom, but in real world environments, where only victory matters. Our organization has trained some of our nation’s best in the Special Operation (MIL) and Special Weapons and Tactics (LE) community. We take the feedback from those who use our craft in the most hostile of situations, dissect the techniques and ensure that the AKMF is armed with only what works when it matters most.

Program Advantages:

End User Testing

AKMF represents decades of “end user testing” and continues to evolve based on the modern-day battlefield, requirements, and other necessities. edit button to change this text. 


Complements all other martial arts programs.

Specific Skill Sets

Provides task specific skill sets and linkage of techniques to end user.


Standardization of crucial skills.

Prepares for High Stress Enviroments

Employable techniques in high stress environments.


Has been implemented within Conventional, Special Operation Military Forces and Law Enforcement with a high level of success.

To be considered for inclusion as an affiliate of AKMF,

the following requirements must be met and maintained:

Martial Arts Experience

Applicants must have a basic knowledge of Martial Arts, both in application and instruction. Qualify as an AKMF Instructor through the AKMF instructor development and qualification course.


You must provide proof of liability insurance for your school. The minimum coverage shall be no less than two million dollars ($2,000,000.00)


You must be no less than a 30-minute commute from any neighboring AKMF affiliate.


Four (4) character references with current contact information. The references cannot be family members.

Background Check

A thorough background check is required.

Apply for Affiliation


Thank you for your interest in becoming a part our worldwide network of affiliated schools. The online application will provide us with most of the information we will need to understand your goals and ensure our organization will be a right fit for your gym. Expect to spend approximately 15 to 30 minutes to complete the application.

*Before you begin…Download and READ the Affiliate Program Information Packet here.

**Background check:  Approval of membership is contingent upon satisfactory results of a background check. For more information on what is reviewed as part of our background check procedure, click here.

***Important: To prevent losing your data, use only the form’s Previous and Next buttons to navigate through the form.
Step 1 of 7

Background Check Policy

The American Krav Maga Federation implements the use of background checks as part of the approval process. The background checks we conduct comply with federal laws under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), as well as applicable laws within the State of Georgia, USA. Background checks will include:

Identity Verification: validates the applicant's date of birth, address, citizenry, and other information to verify the identify the applicant;

Personal and Professional References: references identified on the application will be contacted, including verification of Krav Maga rank as well as BJJ rank lineage if applicable;

Criminal History: includes review of criminal convictions and probation. The following factors will be considered for applicants with a criminal history: (a) The nature of the crime; (b) The time since the conviction; (c) The number of convictions; (d) Whether approving the applicant would pose an unreasonable risk to the Association's brand, reputation, students, vendors or associates.